Educar y capacitar a inquilinxs para que exija viviendas de alquiler seguras, estables y asequibles.


Hotline HOurs.

Hotline Callback Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday 1-5pm / Tuesday 5-8pm. Member Live Line: Tuesday 6-7pm, Saturday 1-2pm
CAT Members: Our Live Members' hotline is open: Tues. 6-7pm, and Sat 1-2pm Call us at (503) 288-0130.

Conozca sus derechos

¿Cómo defiendo mis derechos como inquilino?

Información sobre sus derechos explica la ley en lenguaje cotidiano para que inquilinxs conozca sus derechos y las vías de actuación que aumentarán su capacidad de permanecer en sus actuales hogares. La información está disponible en inglés, español, vietnamita y algunos recursos limitados en ruso, birmano y otros idiomas. Vea y descargue recursos sobre Discriminación y Represalias; Desalojo y Terminación; Búsqueda de Vivienda y Selección de Solicitudes; Mudanza, Mudanza y Depósitos; Durante su Arrendamiento; y Reparaciones: Cómo mantener su casa de alquiler sana y segura.


INQUILINOS - Queremos ayudarle a contar su historia sobre la vivienda

Have a nightmare landlord? Out-of-control rent hikes at your building? Tenant Protections ending pushing you closer to the edge? Whatever your story is, we want to help you get your story out. Fill out our story collection form HERE.


Tenant Rights after a Disaster

After a natural disaster – like an ice storm or a fire – renters often have questions about their rights. When a rental home is damaged by something that is not anyone’s fault, renters have some options. This handout has information about what the law requires from landlords and renters when a rental is damaged by a disaster. More information about issues with repairs is available on the Oregon RentersRights website,

Annual Rent Cap Change

The allowable annual rent increase starting January 1, 2024 is 10.0%. Only one rent increase may be issued in any 12-month period.

The allowable rent increase percentage for the previous year, 2023, was 14.6% if the increase was issued before July 6th, or 10.0% if issued after July 6.  Rent increases are not allowed without a 90-day notice.

Watch Our Latest Tenant Protections Talks episode on Mold & Lead

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CAT Mailing address

P.O. Box 11176, Portland, OR  97211